Tuesday, January 24th
Sailor Poon (Austin garage rock)
Boreal Hills (STL garage rock)
Shady Bug (STL indie rock)
at The Sinkhole - $5

Thursday, January 26th
SIRES (Iowa indie rock)
Giantology (Chicago rock)
Town Cars (STL rock)
Shitstorm (STL garage rock)
at The Sinkhole - $5-$7
Max Eilbacher (Baltimore electro-acoustic)
Headband (Baltimore experimental)
Larva (STL experimental)
Grain (STL ventriloquism) w/ JER KAN
at Mekong Resturant - $7

Tory Starbuck (STL experimental)
Drew Gowran (STL solo percussion)
Boy$horts (STL electronic)
at Schlafly Tap Room - FREE

Friday, January 27th
Dasher (Bloomington post-punk)
The Funs (STL fuzz rock)
Saturday, January 28th
Western Medication (Nashville indie rock)
at The Sinkhole - $7
Monday, January 30th
The Vanilla Beans (STL indie pop)
Glued (STL rock)
A Leaf in the Street (STL jazz pop)
Dracla (STL hard rock)
at Foam - DONATIONS (All money raised goes to NARAL)

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