Friday, January 23, 2015


Hello, my name is C.J. Becker and I am the Internal Music Director of KSLU-Saint Louis University Radio.  This requires me to get new music from all over the world into KSLU for our DJs to play.  I am in charge of  a committee of roughly 30 people, who are all involved in getting new music.

On top of my duties of being the Internal Music Director, I also host two shows on KSLU.  On Monday, I have a one hour show called We Have Fun Here where I explore the history of a different record label each week.  On Wednesday, I host DELICIOUS!, a show that is anything and everything that I am listening to and enjoying at that moment.  I like to say that I play a lot of different "flavors" of music on DELICIOUS! to keep a running theme of food and music. You can tune into both shows at KSLU.SLU.EDU

On this blog, I will be sharing recordings of my shows, personal journals about things going on in the music committee in KSLU and other KSLU happenings.  Also, I will be writing about the fact that I am running to be the next General Manager of KSLU in February.

I look forward to posting on here and I hope you enjoy some of the music played.

-C.J. Becker

Below is a link to my Soundcloud so you can listen to previous episodes of my shows and  the flyers for my respective shows:


  1. Hi C.J.,
    That sounds like fun! It definitely seems like you love what you do, and it's great you get to listen to such a variety of music. I had a friend that was very involved in KSLU at one point - Simon, do you know him? I haven't seen him in a while I'm not sure if he's still involved, but I know he used to be.

    1. I do know Simon. He is a good friend of mine.
